CAD Data Taut One Large Format 3D Printer

This is the current version I have in the CAD. The real printer has some improvements, you can see on the images.

The 45 Degree pipe is used to guide air and cables(CAN, 24V, 12V, 5V) to the printhead.

The other cabling is inside the aluminium extrusions so it very clean setup.

Here you can download the model: Google Drive

A feature I want to mention is the ability of the spring loaded nozzle to be pushed to the side in case of contact with a blob of extruded filament. Due to the design it will always be in the same position as before. I had the problem that the heartbreak(before I used a supervolcano) broke several times because of this issue while printing with 1.8mm nozzle diameter. Any blob is then very stiff and can’t be melted that fast.

I also use this feature in combination with two small servos to retract the nozzles for changing the material or probing the bed with a small micro switch. For this I used the BL touch interface of the CAN Extension board of the Duet3d Controller.

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